Welcome to the 2015 American Lit. class, taught by Professors Marcela Raggio, Elena Cuervo, and Guillermina Saravia. This blog will be both a means of communication among all of us teachers and students, and a tool for continuous evaluation. We hope you enjoy the activities and texts suggested here.
martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015
Two of T. S. Eliot's Ariel Poems
T. S. Eliot was born in St Louis, MO; but decided to become a British subject. His poetry, drama, criticism and poetics are informed by the love of tradition, in which he found the roots of humanity and the solution to the devastation of the modern world. (This devastation is clearly seen in The Waste Land, especially in the last section: the image of the falling towers, for example, is particularly significant to readers who witnessed WWI, but it also speaks to 21st-century readers who recall contemporary wars or terrorist attacks).
In British Literature we read his essay "Tradition and the Individual Talent." When Eliot speaks of tradition, he refers to literary tradition, but also to the arts in general, to languages, religions, history... All these elements can be found in his poetry. He creates a new work of art with materials derived from a pre-existing tradition, which is resignified from the perspective of the modern world. This is clearly seen in his Ariel Poems, from which we have selected the first two.
(Benozzo Gozzoli's "Journey of the Magi", 15th century) In class we read and analyzed "Journey of the Magi", in which one of the Three Wise Men recalls the hardships of the journey to find the baby Jesus. Both the popular story's and the biblical account's details are the point of departure for a text which is, in fact, a reflecion on the disappointment of modern man. In "A Song for Simeon" we hear another biblical character speak: Simeon was an old man who had been promised that he would not die until he saw the savior. So, when he witnessed Jesus' presentation at the temple, and after telling Mary that a sword would pierce her heart (a direct reference to the crucifixion), he let God know that now he could die, after all, since he had seen Salvation. (Just as the Magi, he had an epiphany, and was able to realize that the baby Jesus was the Saviour). Eliot, once more, recreates the hopeful account of the Bible and transforms it into a disillusioned discourse, the words of an old man who sees not salvation, but a painful future for his descendants. The peace that he asks God is not the biblical Peace, but the peace of death, where he wishes to find forgetfulness (in a way, the last line of "Journey of the Magi", which goes "I should be glad of another death", has an echo in Simeon's poem). And just like in the previous poem, here Simeon, who sees the baby Jesus, has visions of the future (the scourges, lamentations, the time of sorrow...). The "birth season of decease" recalls the similar paradox in "Journey of the Magi". Both speakers are old, tired, disillusioned, and even if their promises have been fulfilled, the results are not what they expected.
(An Armenian icon depicting the meeting of Simeon and the Holy Family in the temple) That is why we may say these two poems can be read as companions: we may compare the poetic personae, the setting, the allusions, the tone, and several other elements. In both poems, you may see the exotic, Oriental presence (the girls bringing sherbet, or the hyacinths), the desacaralized biblical allusions, which are given a new meaning that speaks of the modern world and its disillusioned inhabitants, and the "small biography" of each poetic persona who speaks about his past, present and future. ASSIGNMENT N 4,to be handed in in class on Monday, October 26th. Write an essay in which you analyze one of the following topics on BOTH "Journey of the Magi" and "A Song for Simeon": a. Eliot's use of biblical allusions. b. The poems' re-writing of biblical stories from a modern perspective. c. The lyric subject: the mask and modern man. d. The 2 poetic personae's "small biographies" in their dramatic monologues.
(Benozzo Gozzoli's "Journey of the Magi", 15th century) In class we read and analyzed "Journey of the Magi", in which one of the Three Wise Men recalls the hardships of the journey to find the baby Jesus. Both the popular story's and the biblical account's details are the point of departure for a text which is, in fact, a reflecion on the disappointment of modern man. In "A Song for Simeon" we hear another biblical character speak: Simeon was an old man who had been promised that he would not die until he saw the savior. So, when he witnessed Jesus' presentation at the temple, and after telling Mary that a sword would pierce her heart (a direct reference to the crucifixion), he let God know that now he could die, after all, since he had seen Salvation. (Just as the Magi, he had an epiphany, and was able to realize that the baby Jesus was the Saviour). Eliot, once more, recreates the hopeful account of the Bible and transforms it into a disillusioned discourse, the words of an old man who sees not salvation, but a painful future for his descendants. The peace that he asks God is not the biblical Peace, but the peace of death, where he wishes to find forgetfulness (in a way, the last line of "Journey of the Magi", which goes "I should be glad of another death", has an echo in Simeon's poem). And just like in the previous poem, here Simeon, who sees the baby Jesus, has visions of the future (the scourges, lamentations, the time of sorrow...). The "birth season of decease" recalls the similar paradox in "Journey of the Magi". Both speakers are old, tired, disillusioned, and even if their promises have been fulfilled, the results are not what they expected.
(An Armenian icon depicting the meeting of Simeon and the Holy Family in the temple) That is why we may say these two poems can be read as companions: we may compare the poetic personae, the setting, the allusions, the tone, and several other elements. In both poems, you may see the exotic, Oriental presence (the girls bringing sherbet, or the hyacinths), the desacaralized biblical allusions, which are given a new meaning that speaks of the modern world and its disillusioned inhabitants, and the "small biography" of each poetic persona who speaks about his past, present and future. ASSIGNMENT N 4,to be handed in in class on Monday, October 26th. Write an essay in which you analyze one of the following topics on BOTH "Journey of the Magi" and "A Song for Simeon": a. Eliot's use of biblical allusions. b. The poems' re-writing of biblical stories from a modern perspective. c. The lyric subject: the mask and modern man. d. The 2 poetic personae's "small biographies" in their dramatic monologues.
viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015
jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015
A New View on Women: Kate Chopin
Chopin (1951-1904) was born and raised in St Louis (Missouri), married
at 19 and settled in New Orleans, had six children, and after her
husband's death, returned to St.Louis and began a literary career. She
believed in spontaneity when writing, so many of her stories strike
readers as anecdotes. Her best novel, The Awakening, was
published in 1899, though it was not well received in its day. Her
writing deals with women's situation in the late 19th century, and her
style goes beyond the typical local color of Mid-western writers of the
time, to acieve a deep psychological insight of her characters.
As you read "A Pair of Silk Stockings", consider how she portrays
"Little Mrs Sommers" and her thoughts, desires, and wishes, in contrast
to what is expected from her.
jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015
“I would prefer not to”
In the short
story “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street”, Melville portrays the
alienation of the most powerful financial and economic centre in the USA.
Bartleby prefers “not to” get involved in that capitalist world, but the
consequences are fatal.

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